Maya’s magic shoes


Reading time: ca. 10 min | Ages: 3 – 10

Synopsis: Maya meets a fairy in trouble and helps her. The fairy rewards Maya with a magical gift.

Theme: Being kind and helpful will always pay off

Pippin the pixie was on her way to the fairy market. She was the best shoe maker in the whole wood, she even made special magic shoes, though they were very expensive. Winter was not far away and Pippin really needed to sell all her shoes today, that way she would have enough money to stock up on food for the long winter ahead. She loaded up all her little boxes onto a cart and set of merrily through the woods. Unfortunately, Pippin’s cart was piled so high she didn’t notice a large rut in the road, the cart’s wheel fell into it and snapped in half. Poor Pippin, she sat by the broken cart not sure what to do. Her shoes had spilled into the road and there was no way she would have time to pick them all up, mend her cart and get to the market in time to sell all those shoes!
Also, in the woods that day was a young girl called Maya. She was also heading to market; all be it the village one. She was hoping to sell flower posy’s she had made in order to buy a pair of shoes new for the village dance. Her mother had made her a lovely new dress, her grandmother had bought her a beautiful lavender ribbon for her hair, all she needed was a pair of shoes, but her family could not afford to buy her a new pair, so she was saving up for them herself. As Maya came around the bend, she nearly ran straight into the little pixie Pippin.
“Goodness!” Maya exclaimed. She had never seen a pixie before, but she didn’t feel afraid, for the little pixie looked so sad and she was surrounded by such lovely little shoes.
“Oh, what wonderful shoes!” Maya said picking up a tiny pair.
“Thank you.” Pippin sniffled. “I was on my way to market to sell them when my cart wheel broke, now I shall never get to market and I won’t have enough money to buy food for the winter.”
Maya felt very sad for the little pixie. “Maybe I can help you?”
Pippin looked up hopefully. “How?” she asked.
“I shall take the flowers I was going to sell at the market out of my basket and we’ll put you’re shoes in there. I can carry them for you. I was only going to buy shoes for the dance, not food for the winter.”
Pippin loaded her shoes into Maya’s basket, thinking she was the kindest little girl ever and they headed off to the fairy market together chatting happily. Maya told Pippin all about the dance and Pippin told her all about the fairy market. When they arrived, Pippin set up her stall and Maya looked around all the fairy stalls in wonder. The market was full of creatures she had only read about in books and she found it hard not to stare at the trolls, gnomes, pixies and fairies that were browsing the stalls. The fairies were the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen, with their shimmering, gossamer wings and each said how nice Maya was, when they heard what she had done for Pippin.
Pippin was very happy, she sold almost every pair of shoes she had and several of the fairies ordered special ones for the spring. The work would keep Pippin very busy over the long winter days and she had plenty of money to stock her larder so she wouldn’t be hungry.
“Thank you very much for helping me.” Pippin said as she packed up her stall at the end of the day. “You are very kind, I’m sorry you won’t get your new shoes.”
“That’s alright.” Maya replied, she looked down at her old brown shoes. “I can wear these, no one will notice them under my long dress I’m sure. Oh goodness, look at the time, I must get back for super or my mother will worry. I promised the garden birds cake crumbs too and I must put them out before dusk. Goodbye Pippin.”
That night Pippin sat in her workshop, her hands busily sewing together the softest leaves and leather with special magic fairy thread. When she finished, she smiled broadly. She called to a friendly blackbird she new and asked him to carry a box to the home of Maya, the nice girl from the village. Blackbird knew Maya well, for she always fed the birds and she had indeed put out her cake crumbs just as she had promised.
The next morning, as she went out with breadcrumbs for the birds, Maya found a pretty box wrapped in pressed leaf paper with a large sparkling bow on the top, on the doorstep. She picked up the box and turned the label, she was surprised to see her name written on it. She carefully opened the box. There, nestled on a bed of moss was a shiny new pair of plain brown shoes and note from Pippin saying thank you.
Maya was very pleased to have new shoes, but the best was yet to come. You know I told you they were made with magic fairy thread? Well when Maya put them on with her lavender dress and satin bow ready for the dance, the shoes shimmered and shone and turned into a marvellous pair of lavender shoes. Yes, Pippin had sent her magic shoes and magic shoes can turn into any sort of footwear their wearer needed. Maya’s had turned into the perfect pair to match her dress for the dance, but when she them off they will return to being brown. They will also grow with her and never get old or worn out, imagine that! It just goes to show you magical things can happen if you are kind and helpful!


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