Three dinos and the rainbow


Reading time: 10 min | Ages: 3 – 12

Synopsis: Three dinosaurs go out searching for treasure at the end of a rainbow and ignore smaller treasure along their way.

Theme: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Far, far away, behind a deep wood, there was a village where a human foot had never stepped. It was called Dinoland, and as you can probably guess, the only creatures that lived there were dinosaurs. Three brothers lived there in peace and harmony with nothing to disturb them. Well, almost nothing.

One rainy day, little dinosaurs Donny, Dany, and Didi, were sitting in their cave next to the waterfall.

“I hate rain,” said Donny.

“I’m so bored,” said Didi.

“There must be something we can play in here,” said Dany.

While they were thinking about what to do, the sunshine moved the gray clouds away, and a beautiful arch full of different colors appeared in the sky. It immediately lightened every corner of the cave.

“Look! A rainbow!” said Didi.

Donny ran toward the window, looked out, and a big smile covered his face.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” asked Donny.

“Yes, it’s spectacular!” said Didi.

“No, silly!” said Donny. “There is a pot full of gold at the end of the rainbow!”

“It’s just a story,” said Dany. “Nobody has ever found it.”

“That’s because nobody has ever been fast enough,” said Donny. “Stop talking and move on.”

Didi and Dany looked at each other a bit confused.

“But Donny, you hate rain,” said Dany.

“I love gold more than I hate rain,” Donny laughed. “Imagine all the things we could buy with the gold.”

Donny ran out of the cave, and the brothers went after him. It was so hot while they were running across the wet grass. They came to the woods when Didi stopped to take a breath.

“Look, strawberries!” said Didi pointing at the grass. “Let’s have a break and eat some.”

“There’s no time,” said Donny. “When we find the pot, I’ll buy you as many strawberries as you can eat.”

“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, Donny,” said Dany.

“Come on, you two! The pot is out there waiting for us!” said Donny.

Didi and Danny looked sadly at the strawberries and continued their way, hot and tired. Although running for a while, the rainbow didn’t seem any closer.

“Look at that tree! There’s a lot of honey in the hole!” said Didi.

“I could have some honey,” said Dany.

“There is no time! Hurry up!” said Donny. “I’ll buy you more honey when we find the pot!”

“You mean if we find the pot,” said Didi.

“Move on!” yelled Donny.

Didi and Dany smacked their lips sadly. They were losing hope to find the pot, but they still followed the brother. So exhausted and hungry, they weren’t even sure if they wanted to find it.

“I’d give all the gold in the world for a cold lemonade,” thought Dany wiping the sweat off his forehead.

As they were running, Dany saw some bushes next to the road.

“Hey, guys! Hazelnuts!” said Dany.

“Yummy!” said Didi. “Let’s pick as many as we can! Mum might make a lovely cake for us!”

“No, move on!” said Donny, a bit angry. “When we find the pot, I’ll buy you hazelnuts.  I’ll buy you all hazelnut cakes and hazelnut chocolate in the world, but hurry up!”

They continued the search, but after a while, Didi and Dany stopped running, out of breath.

“That’s it!” said Didi. “There’s no pot! You are so blinded by greed that you can’t think clearly!”

“Didi is right,” said Dany. “We’ve been running for a while, but the rainbow seems to be faster than us.”

“There is a pot, and I will get the gold!” said Donny.

“How do you mean – you will get the gold?” asked Dany.

“It was my idea to look for it!” said Donny. “It is fair that I get the biggest part.”

“We are in this together,” said Didi. “We should be even.”

“Hey, guys,” said Dany, but Didi and Donny were so busy arguing that they didn’t hear him, nor notice what happened.

“Guys!” repeated Didi.

“What?” yelled Donny.

“Look around!” said Didi.

It was sunny with a clear blue sky, and there was no more rainbow.

“I can’t believe it!” said Donny. “My gold!”

“It disappeared!” said Didi.

They lay on the ground, in the shadow of a tree, to have a rest. After a while, the dinosaurs decided to come back and get honey, hazelnuts, and strawberries. They followed the same way, tired, hungry, and thirsty.

They saw the bushes next to the road, but there were no hazelnuts. Didi could hardly keep himself from crying when he remembered his mum’s cake. The brothers moved in the hope of finding some honey.

However, when they came to the tree, there was no honey. The dinosaurs looked sadly at the empty hole and took a deep breath.

“At least we’ll get the strawberries,” said Donny.

They continued their way, but there were no strawberries. Somebody had already picked them up.

Didi and Danny looked at each other and took a deep breath. They couldn’t even blame Donny, but themselves for trusting him. They should have known better and overcome his influence.

While they were approaching the cave, they could fell a lovely smell coming from the oven.

“You’ve come just in time for the cake,” said their mum. “I found some honey, hazelnuts, and strawberries in the woods and made the cake for you.”

The dinosaurs couldn’t believe their eyes and noses. After such an exhausting day, it seemed like a dream come true.

It was a lovely hazelnut and honey cake with strawberries on the top. It was more delicious than ever before because it reminded them that they should be happy with what they had. However, the cake had a bitter taste for Donny because his greed and search for the pot cost him something more valuable than gold. It cost him his brothers’ trust, and that’s what matters.


What does that expression mean: “One bird in the hand is better than two in the bush”?

How does that apply to the dino story?

Can you think of a time where you chose “two birds in the bush” instead of the one in your hand?


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